Building with Nature Asia – National Expert Stakeholder Workshop
Coastal resilience
Natural infrastructure solutions
Wetland values, status and trends
Wetlands International is working on a programme called Accelerating Adaptation through Building with Nature Asia. This initiative is aimed at getting the governments of five Asian countries (China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines) to adopt Building with Nature (BwN) or Nature-based Solutions (NBS) to reduce hazards, mitigate and adapt to the impacts of climate change and to improve water management and limit heat stress. Examples from across the globe have demonstrated that BwN is viable, yet current uptake at a larger scale is still low.
In order to accelerate the implementation of BwN in Malaysia, Wetlands International Malaysia office (MyWI) organised a National Expert Stakeholder Workshop on 18th February 2020 at the University of Malaya. The objective of the Workshop was to carry out a stakeholder analysis and assessment to identify relevant key stakeholders who can play a role in implementing BwN in Malaysia. These stakeholders ranged from government ministries, departments and agencies; research institutions; universities; non-governmental organisations; civil society organisations; and international funders and institutions.
An internal assessment was first carried out to identify the relevant key stakeholders. Door-to-door visits to the identified stakeholders were then carried out since December 2019 to introduce BwN, to garner their strong support and to invite them to participate in the Workshop. Reminders were sent out one week prior to the event.
Date: 18th February 2020
Time: 0900 – 1700 hr
Venue: Rumah Universiti, University of Malaya