Ecotourism in Sedili Kechil

Moving upriver on a boat from the sandy coastline, the distinct vegetation belts of Sedili wetlands can be seen. Rich mangroves ecosystems are followed by thriving nypa swamp at the confluence of salt and freshwater. The scenery changes to the mixed shrub vegetation of the putat belt, followed by thick pandanus undergrowth, and finally reaching the freshwater swamp where the endangered water trumpet can be found.
A variety of wildlife can also be found here. One might be lucky enough to see a family of smooth otters playing in the river or migratory birds feeding on the beaches. The mudflats are teaming with life such as crabs, snails and birds.
The livelihood of the local community of Sedili are connected to the wetlands. Fishing is an active part of their daily lives. Leaves and plant extract from the trees are used as local resources in infrastructural, medicinal and cultural aspects of their lives.This project aimed to stimulate ecotourism in Sedili Kechil, Johor province of Malaysia to strengthen the livelihoods of the local community.