How to submit your Luc Hoffmann Medal nomination in 4 simple steps
Aquaculture, fisheries and coastal agriculture
Climate and disaster risks
Climate mitigation and adaptation
Coastal resilience
Coastal wetland conservation
Community resilience
Integrated delta management
Natural infrastructure solutions
Peatland conservation and restoration
Private sector performance
Rivers and lakes
Sustainable land use
Water supply and sanitation
Wetland agriculture and fisheries
Wetland values, status and trends
So, you know a Wetland Champion who has shown outstanding leadership in wetland science, conservation or awareness raising? And you’d like to nominate them for the Wetlands International Luc Hoffmann Medal for Wetland Science and Conservation? Firstly, are you a Wetlands International member or partner (you or the organisation you work for has worked with Wetlands International)? Yes? Great! Then you are eligible to nominate.
Now it’s time to submit your nomination for the Luc Hoffmann Medal! Here’s the simple steps you need to follow:
- Check your nominee meets the following criteria:
– Required: The nominee is not a Wetlands International staff member or a member of its Supervisory Council (please see an overview of the Wetlands International Supervisory Council)
– Required: The nominee has agreed to be considered for the award
– Desirable: Your nominee is available to attend the award ceremony later on in the year (details to follow). - If your nominee meets these criteria, then the next step is to fill out the nomination form. In order to complete the nomination form, you will need the following information:
– Name, title, position, address, email address and telephone number of the nominee
– A short summary of the nominees achievements
– The names, titles, positions, addresses, email addresses and telephone numbers of two referees that can be contacted for a reference - You will also need to select under which category your nominee falls:
– Excellence in scientific research: The nominee has displayed excellence in any field of wetland research, as demonstrated by key research papers and publications, or significant technological advances
– Excellence in communication, education and/or public awareness: The nominee has played a significant role in the advancement and dissemination of wetland knowledge, and/or significantly raised public awareness of wetland science and/or conservation.
– Excellence in wetland management: The nominee has played a significant role in the conservation and wise use of wetlands, and/or has shown administrative excellence in dealing with wetland management. - Once you have all this information and you have selected a category, you can submit your nomination by completing the online nomination form.
Thank you for submitting your nomination! We will notify you by mid-February whether your nomination has been selected.
You can also download the full nomination criteria here. And take a look at past Luc Hoffmann Medal winners.