A visit to Raja Musa Forest Reserve – Azwani Sahibu
Peatland conservation and restoration
Photo 1: Raja Musa Forest Reserve (RMFR), is a peat swamp in Selangor covering an area of 35,656ha and locally plays an important role in supplying water for domestic and agricultural uses. RMFR also has global importance for maintaining endangered and endemic species and as huge carbon sink.
Photo 2: Canal block, one of the measures in preventing the sub-surface drainage of the peat and maintain high water levels minimizing the risk of subsidence and fires. The structure is a Nature-based Solutions (NbS) approach which uses mangrove poles and clay/sand bags.
Photo 3: Watch tower at Compartment 75 of RMFR to monitor both sides of the peat area along the main canal. A watch tower here is built strategically for fire prevention and control of the forest reserve as well as buffer zone area.